Interdisciplinary Research Scholars is just one of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s leadership programs. Meet the newest leaders from Clinical Scholars, Culture of Health Leaders, and Health Policy Research Scholars who will be joining minds and efforts with our fellows to expand their thinking and impact.

Clinical Scholars

Left to Right: Joe Currier, PhD, Erin McAdams, PA-C, MHS (Captain, US Army Reserve), Jeremy Fletcher, PT, DPT, OCS (Major, US Army Reserve), and Marjorie Scaffa, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, ALC
(Photo credit: Shane Rice (Veteran), Shane Rice Photography)

Combining the expertise of a physical therapist, clinical psychologist, occupational therapist, and physician assistant, this Alabama-based team led by Jeremy Fletcher is removing barriers and designing new ways to infuse peer support and vibrant community engagement into high-quality, compassionate, affordable mental health care for Veterans.








Left to Right: Ursula Aragunde-Kohl, PsyD, Fernando Janer, ND, MSW, and Lydael Vega-Otero, MSW

Ursula Aragunde-Kohl and her team are integrating psychology, social work, and naturopathic medicine to improve health for Puerto Rico’s Universidad del Turabo community by providing access to healthy and affordable food, growing crops on campus, and developing a graduate course and training program.






To stay in touch with Clinical Scholars, sign up for email updates.

Culture of Health Leaders

M Barclay, MDiv

Rev. M Barclay, the first openly non-binary, transgender deacon in the United Methodist Church, is helping communities explore how faith can work for or against our well-being, how systemic injustices keep us from flourishing, and how deeply we need healthy relationships.






Stanley Andrisse, MBA, PhD

Committed to changing lives and inspiring others to excel, Stanley Andrisse is a professor and endocrinologist who was incarcerated for drug trafficking in his youth. Today, he serves as a mentor and educational counselor to people facing similar challenges, helping them build career skills to push them toward their full potential.




To stay in touch with Culture of Health Leaders, sign up for email updates.

Health Policy Research Scholars

Deniss Martinez, PhD student
(Photo credit: Laura Galvez)

Deniss Martinez, a doctoral student in ecology, is conducting research with indigenous communities to elevate their perspectives and include their expertise in difficult conversations about environmental injustice, climate change, resource depletion, and habitat destruction.







Benjamin Carter, PhD student

Benjamin Carter, a doctoral student in political science, is bridging the gap between academia and government, using economic experiments and public opinion research to find real-world policy solutions, challenging society to deliver more equitable health care and minimize fiscal waste.






To stay in touch with Health Policy Research Scholars, sign up for email updates.

Now that you’ve met some of our newest fellows, tell us: Who else needs to know about these programs? Please tell people about this opportunity, especially those who might not otherwise hear about a program like this.

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